Sunday, November 2, 2008


My favorite Halloween trick or treating experience was when I went trick or treating with my good friend Troy and his brother Nick. We were in the suburbs in Geneva and there were millions of houses. Unfortunately we decided we would hit all of them. There were about 7 different streets, and there was only one house that was our base.
For that Halloween I was a geek/nerd and Troy’s brother was a Dallas Cowboy fan (I cant remember what Troy was). My costume consisted of big round glasses, pants that were too small, a pocket protector, a tucked in button up shirt and a nasty comb over. Nick’s costume was just a jersey and some face paint.
There were a few cool houses with strobe lights, fog, and people trying to scare you, but most people were just sitting on their porches handing out candy. Also there was billions of trick or treaters so we had to wait in a lot of lines.
It was about 7:30 and my pillowcase was already almost filled with candy. We stopped at about fifteen more houses, and by the time we were done it was about 8:00. We started going down one street to see if there was another street to take us to base. We spent about a half hour trying to find base until we sat down and took a break. We were very tired from walking. Another half hour past, and we were getting nervous that we would never get out of this maze of houses. We kept taking breaks hoping that someone would come and look for us, but no one came. Another forty-five minutes flew by and we were still lost. Finally I found a hint because I remembered this little pass way that led to the next road over, but Troy and Nick said that the right road was the next one over. About five minutes after they got on to the other road they realized that I was right and we turned around and went back. When we finally got to the house we realized that we had gone up and down this road about four times. We felt so stupid. Then we got into the car and drove home. I was exhausted.

1 comment:

Slawinski2008 said...

Kyle- I like that you used separate paragraphs but let's work on getting your writting to flow better. It's a bit choppy at different points. +9